Leading the Charge Against Marine Pollution

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Our Mission:
A World Free of Marine Pollution

Aquari is dedicated to developing innovative technologies and sustainable solutions to address the critical issue of marine pollution

Over 100 Million

Marine creatures perish annually due to plastic debris entering our oceans, primarily from ten major rivers. The oceans, vital for clean air, food, energy, and marine habitat, are under threat. Aquari's mission combines cutting-edge technology with conservation efforts to preserve our oceans and way of life.

Our Approach:
Innovative Technology and Community Action

Recognizing that combating marine pollution requires a multifaceted approach, Aquari combines advanced technology with collective environmental responsibility.

Traditional methods alone are insufficient to address the scale of marine pollution.

Our innovative solution?

Developing and deploying cutting-edge cleanup technologies while mobilizing communities for direct action while providing workers' financial incentive utilizing DeFi technology. This approach ensures sustainable, long-term support for our cause and maximizes our impact on marine ecosystems.

Take Action

How We Do It

Cleaning Up Beaches & Rivers with Advanced Technology

We focus on rivers that require immediate relief, utilizing our advanced cleanup technologies alongside traditional methods. The majority of marine pollution originates from rivers, so by stopping pollution at its source, we prevent it from spreading to our oceans. Our efforts are heavily concentrated in areas with severe pollution, like India, where we've already made significant progress using innovative techniques.

Developing and Funding Innovative Solutions

Combating marine pollution requires a collective, global effort powered by innovative technology. We develop cutting-edge solutions and support a network of environmental organizations and innovators worldwide. Our resources go towards funding both immediate action and long-term technological solutions, enabling the purchase of advanced tools, organizing tech-driven events, and strengthening operational capabilities of our partners.

Educate On Conservation and Technology

We're committed to raising awareness about marine pollution and educating communities on both sustainable practices and the role of technology in environmental conservation. Our programs combine hands-on experience with the latest scientific insights and technological advancements to create lasting change. By focusing on innovative solutions, we aim to inspire a new generation of environmental stewards.

Get Involved Now

Get Involved Now


Environmental health is crucial for everyone. At Aquari, we understand that innovation and collective action are key to addressing marine pollution effectively. We've created a system that aligns technological advancements with environmental goals, ensuring that as our impact grows, so does our ability to develop and deploy more advanced solutions.

Contribute towards our cause
by supporting
Aquari's innovations

Your support
funds development
of advanced
cleanup technologies

Expansion of operations leads to more effective environmental solutions

Increased impact attracts more support, accelerating our technological advancements

Advanced technologies enable more efficient and widespread marine conservation efforts

Our Innovation

Aquari harnesses community support to drive technological innovation in marine conservation. Here's how our ecosystem works:

Our Innovative Ecosystem

Aquari harnesses community-driven efforts and cutting-edge technology to combat marine pollution. Here's how our ecosystem works:

Contribute to our cause by supporting Aquari's innovative technologies

Your support funds the development of advanced cleanup technologies

Funding accelerates our ability to create more effective solutions

We expand our operations and increase our environmental impact

Expansion of operations leads to more advanced technologies and greater environmental preservation

What's In It For You?

We foster innovative solutions to prevent marine pollution

An estimated 9 million premature deaths occur each year due to pollution. Marine pollution is an especially serious problem with up to 121,000 microplastic particles being consumed by the average person every year.

If health is important to you, then it should be a priority to get involved with preventing pollution. Aquari understands that personal health concerns alone may not be enough motivation, so we offer additional benefits:

  • Be part of cutting-edge environmental technology development
  • Gain access to educational resources and hands-on experiences
  • Connect with a global community of environmental innovators
  • Contribute to measurable, long-lasting environmental impact

As our technological solutions advance and our impact grows, you'll be at the forefront of environmental innovation.

Take Action


Please note: The roadmap below is currently outdated as our website is undergoing an overhaul. It will be updated alongside the website redesign very soon!.

Thank you for your patience!

Q1 2024


Jan-Mar 2024

  • AquaVote/Governor.sol deployed to BSC

  • Deployment of App's Front-End Interface

  • AquaVote implementation into Aquari App

  • Maciej prepares and deploys new backend, CI/CD workflow alongside improved server infrastructure

  • Implementing Trading View & price tracking to Aquari App

Q2 2024


Apr-Jun 2024

  • Pakistan major Aquari community cleanup!

  • Scaling up social media channels

  • Finding new ways to market Aquari app

  • Ideal payment provider integration into the Aquari App

  • Website content redesign

  • Aquari Forum's release

Q3 2024

Jul -Sep

Jul-Sep 2024

  • Forum improvements alongside AquaVote integrations

  • University partnership outline and plans

  • Tighten parnership with external cleanup groups

  • Aquari Wiki Release

  • Subscription System with business outreach for SaaS proposals

  • Aquari LA Tech Week networking

Q4 2024


Oct-Dec 2024

  • Newsletter campaign start

  • Aquari App Beta release

  • Aquari partners with startup accelerators

  • Aquari v2.0 Protocol completed

  • Complete Aquari services v2.0 protocol migration

Q1 2025


Jan-Mar 2025

  • Start R&D on potential technological cleanups innovation

  • Aquari App enters last stages of development

  • Aquari expands onto different chains

  • Aquari partners with new cleanup organisations

Q2-Q4 2025


Apr-Dec 2025

  • TBD at a later date through the governance of the Aquari Foundation

Partners & Presence

We are working with Great players which are invested in our Idea

What to do now?

Want to save the planet?

Join us as we tackle marine pollution solutions with our partners. Contributing to our cause can generate value on your investments - no other organization does this!

Get Involved Now